Monday, September 20, 2010

This drawing is the latest one we've done, it's the pen and ink meaning to show texture and lighting. I really enjoyed this project because I like how precise the pen strokes can be, but they also work together from a distance they blend together to show the values in the drawing.


  1. I remember saying this in critique, but I just have to say it again: The texture on the bucket just blows my mind! It's so precise and detailed, I can't even begin to imagine all the effort you put into it. The hula hoop is also amazing, you did a wonderful job! The basketball seems like it could be a bit more rounded out, but I'm so absorbed in all the beautiful textures and shadows that I hardly notice. =) Wonderful work Chelsea!

  2. The texture of the bucket and basketball is so precise and the shading adds a great amount of depth. I'm not even surprised to see the great amount of work and detail you placed into this, and it's phenomenal! My only criticism is the shape of the bucket being almost inverted in the sense that the lower part of the bucket should be more curved from a higher perspective, but this is still fantastic work!
