Monday, September 20, 2010

Crayon contour!

Hey everybody!!! This is my crayon contour drawing. For this project I found two things difficult: drawing the contour lines in a contrasting color. It was difficult because I couldn't see that lemons could have such diffferent colors as purple and blue in it. The other thing I found difficult was the medium, I tend to treat crayons as colored pencils where I feel I should press harder to get brighter colors and a different texture.

1 comment:

  1. I think what you did with your contour lines is so interesting compared to what other people in the class did. I never even thought of contouring to the light, it creates an entirely different effect but is still so interesting to look at! You were able to get in all the details of your blueberries and lemon, so they're immediately recognizable. The table that goes back throws me off a little; I think that the perspective could be more clearly defined. But this is minor, and we worked on this early in the year. =) You did a great job Chelsea!
