Monday, September 20, 2010

The first project: I really liked this project because I had to use my imagination to find out where the values should be. It was really interesting because I had to dust off the cobwebs so that I could get back into the habit of thinking more creatively.


  1. This piece is so cute! It is a very successful piece of art, even if you didn't know that it was a blind drawing. The shading really brings the piece to life.

  2. This piece has a real Picasso feel for me, haha! It's really amusing to look at, especially the hair. The value you achieved around the face and ears was especially successful, and does a wonderful job rounding out your subject! These blind contours were so fun, and you really embraced the creativity on this one!

  3. I agree with Kelly in the hint of cubism in this piece! The shading also adds dimension to this piece, particularly on the mandible and ears. The texture in the hair also creates a fluffy feel (lol) and considering this is a blind drawing, you did a great job.
