So we weren't required to do this project, but I wanted to test out my primacolor pencils.... okay, so I just thought it was assigned and I did and I thought it turned out well. Gimme some feedback with what you think!! :)
This was the first full-size drawing we did, I found it difficult to shade all the background without smudging, but I am very proud of the fact that I was able to. I really liked the preparing for this because I thought of composition.
The first project: I really liked this project because I had to use my imagination to find out where the values should be. It was really interesting because I had to dust off the cobwebs so that I could get back into the habit of thinking more creatively.
This drawing is the latest one we've done, it's the pen and ink meaning to show texture and lighting. I really enjoyed this project because I like how precise the pen strokes can be, but they also work together from a distance they blend together to show the values in the drawing.
Hey everybody!!! This is my crayon contour drawing. For this project I found two things difficult: drawing the contour lines in a contrasting color. It was difficult because I couldn't see that lemons could have such diffferent colors as purple and blue in it. The other thing I found difficult was the medium, I tend to treat crayons as colored pencils where I feel I should press harder to get brighter colors and a different texture.